Scoir is an online college and career planning platform that aims to help students prepare for college and submit documents electronically such as transcripts, letters of recommendation, and report to colleges and universities.
Parents will receive an email to activate their Scoir account to enjoy researching for colleges together with their student, view your student’s My Colleges list, and make suggestions.
In Scoir, tools that can be used for students in grades 9 - 12 include:
- Career and interest inventories
- Activities list / Resume
- College search engines
- Scattergrams and other comparison tools that predict likeliness of admission
- Schedule of colleges visiting Eastside Catholic and registration for the visits
Scoir is required for all EC students who are applying to college.
If at any time students or parents have trouble accessing Scoir, please don't hesitate to contact a college counselor for assistance.
Getting Started with Scoir
College Counselor (Grades 9-10)
Lillian Do-Tran
College Counselor, A-K
Livia Matteucci
College Counselor, L-Z
Samantha Galluzzo
Lakshmi Palaniappan
Helpful Videos
- Attending a College Fair
from NACAC