Senior Parker Cobb attended the highly esteemed Pacific Honours Ensemble Program (PHEP) in Brisbane, Australia on September 20-30, 2024. The program is a collaboration between the Queensland Conservatorium’s State Honours Ensemble Program (SHEP) and the Western International Band Clinic (WIBC) in Seattle.
Parker was first chosen for the WIBC Honor Band when she submitted recordings of her work to the WIBC and was chosen by a panel of judges. During the WIBC in November 2023, Parker was recognized as one of the top 20 students, which allowed her to attend the PHEP in Australia.
Founded in 2007, the program invites top U.S. high school musicians to perform alongside Queensland’s finest. It offers an immersive musical experience with world-class conductors, concerts and cultural activities. Selected students participate in a two-part program, including sightseeing in Sydney and an intensive music session in Brisbane.