An athletics program with a focus on leadership and sportsmanship
Eastside Catholic is committed to an athletic program of excellence. The primary goals of our high school athletic programs are to accentuate the development of the student holistically and to have each student achieve a personal level of excellence in the areas of fitness, team commitment and sportsmanship. Athletics is a significant tool in the educational process of character development and encourages students to lead by example.
At the high school level, 17 different EC teams compete in the Metro AAA league. There are three seasons of different sports as well as year-long opportunities. On average, 75 percent of our students participate in at least one sport. Learn more about the High School Athletics program.
In middle school, students participate in the highly regarded CYO athletics program. We encourage all students to be involved in at least one CYO team during each year of middle school. Learn more about the Middle School Athletics program.