Next Steps for Admitted Middle School Students
We are thrilled to welcome you to the EC community! This page is designed to provide you with information and opportunities to prepare you for the upcoming school year.
Quick FAQs
1. Student ID Number
If you need your student's ID number to create an account with No Junk, please email
If you need your student's ID number for any other reason, please email Registrar Lakshmi Palaniappan.
2. Online School Packet
Look for the Online School Packet to be emailed to you in July. This packet includes the necessary forms, links and information to start the new school year.
It is essential to complete and submit this packet by the due date so you can join your class on the first day of school.
3. Bus Service
Bus passes are available for purchase each school year beginning in August.
EC offers dedicated bus routes through Harlow's Bus Service. Students can purchase an annual pass, a monthly pass, an activity bus pass or a single-use ticket, as well as morning-only and afternoon-only passes. We will send an email with details once passes for 2024-25 are available for purchase. For information about financial assistance for bus passes, please contact Tuition Assistance and Admissions Administrator Marj Kerstetter.
4. Laptop Pick Up
The required laptop fee will be itemized in your enrollment contract. Students and families can pick up laptops or surfaces in the Commons from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. on the following dates: July 25 and 30, August 1, 6, 8, 13, 15, 20, 22 and 27; signs will point you to the correct location. No appointment is necessary to pick up your device.
5. Lunch
The cafeteria is open for breakfast items in the morning and serves three lunch sessions during the school day. There will be a link to add money to your student's No Junk account in the Online School Packet.
6. School Communications
You will be added to school emails in late May to start receiving notifications for the following school year. Watch for these communications:
- EC This Week - This email is sent weekly during the school year and delivered to your inbox on Sunday to get you organized for the coming week.
- EC This Month - This email arrives around the final day of each month and shares in-depth coverage of events and information for the upcoming month.
- SchoolMessenger - You will receive instructions on how to sign up for emergency notifications through the enrollment contract. It is vital that parents, guardians and students sign up to receive these messages as this is one of the quickest ways to be notified in an emergency or for school closures or delays.
7. Parent Groups
Want to get involved? Every EC middle school family is automatically a member of the PTF (Parent Teacher Fellowship). PTF strengthens the school community by enhancing communication, encouraging family involvement and promoting parent/guardian education.
PTF needs volunteers for the 2024-25 school year! Contact PTF President Sandra Vanderzee if you would like to volunteer. Learn more about PTF here.
8. CYO Athletics
In addition to our required fitness and health curriculum, the middle school participates in the Archdiocese of Seattle Catholic Youth Organization (CYO) athletic program. Our athletics program is consistent with the mission and vision of our school and the philosophy of the Archdiocese of Seattle. We encourage all students to be involved in at least one CYO team during each year of middle school.
CYO sports available at EC in previous years include cross country (fall), soccer (fall), basketball (winter), volleyball (early spring) and track and field (late spring). Sports offerings and grade-level teams depend on registration numbers. We will include registration information in our monthly (EC This Month) and weekly (EC This Week) newsletters as each season approaches.
You will sign up for the sports you want to participate in the Online School Packet emailed in July. Please contact CYO Coordinator Keri Greenheck for more information.
9. Dress Code and Uniforms
The middle school dress code is shared in the Student and Family Handbook, which is available on the Parent and Guardians webpage under the Forms and Information dropdown. Please review the dress code prior to the start of school.
Please review the Uniform Guidelines and Uniform Ordering Instructions for additional information regarding uniforms.
Used Uniform Sales
The Middle School Parent Teacher Fellowship (PTF) holds periodic sales of gently used uniforms - all items are $5. Look for signs on campus directing you to the sale location. If you have questions about purchasing used uniforms, please contact PTF Representative Debbie Stenhjem.
- July 15, 9 - 11 a.m.
- July 16, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- July 17, 9 - 11 a.m.
- July 18, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.
- July 19, 9 - 11 a.m.
- August 20 Welcome Back Event, 4:30 - 7:30 p.m.
Visit the Parent and Guardian webpage and select the Parent Groups tab > PTF link to learn more.
10. Class Schedules and Books
Required textbooks will be provided to students during the first few days of class. The cost of textbooks is included in tuition.
Your final schedule will be emailed the week before the beginning of school. This schedule will include teacher and classroom assignments.
This timeline will help outline what to expect as you prepare for the start of school.
Click on the linked items for additional information.
- March 27 – Welcome Event for New Middle School Families
- March 29 – 2024-25 School Year Enrollment Commitment Due
- Sign up for Summer Camps
- Math Placement Exam
You will receive an email regarding next steps for math placement - Email Communications
Students and families will be added to the email distribution lists to begin receiving regular communications to keep informed of important dates and deadlines for next school year. - Student Accommodation Plans
Families who would like to request Accommodations for their student at Eastside Catholic must start the process by completing the Request for Accommodations Application which includes a place to upload supporting documentation. Families will be contacted by Director of Learning Support Brandi Faith to schedule an intake meeting for their student’s SAP once the application is complete. More information can be found here.
- The Online School Packet to register family details, emergency contacts and sign up for sports, lunch accounts, immunization forms and more will be sent to incoming high school and middle school families in early July.
- Carpool survey sent to all EC families
- Online School Packet due in early August
- Families who expressed interest in carpooling will be sent a list of other interested families.
- Purchase a Parking Pass - email will be sent with link
- Updated 2023-24 Bus Pass form will be available to purchase your pass
- August 20 - Welcome Back Event for New and Returning Families
- August 26 - Middle School Picture Day
- August 26 - Sixth Grade Orientation
- August 26 - Middle School Transfer Student Orientation
- August 28 - First Day of School
Calendar listings include details, links and contacts for most events and activities. A one-page calendar is also available for download and highlights early release and vacation days.
Visit this page for links to forms and documents, parent volunteer opportunities and senior events.