Student Services
The Student Services Department offers a wide range of services to support all students with our caring and knowledgeable staff who are committed to helping students thrive. Our trained team of both school and college counselors provides guidance and planning for students and families.
Student Services provides the following:
- Academic advising and support
- Social and emotional support
- Mental health and wellness
- College exploration and application services
- Career services
- College Counseling
- Social and Emotional Counseling
- Graduation Requirements
- Transcript Requests
- Scoir - College and Career Planning Tool
- COVID-19 Resources for Parents
- Mental Health Resources
College Counseling
Social and Emotional Counseling
Graduation Requirements
Transcript Requests
Scoir - College and Career Planning Tool
COVID-19 Resources for Parents
Mental Health Resources
2024-25 Registration Information
EC Anonymous Student Safety Tipline
tipline.eastsidecatholic.orgThe tipline is a resource for Eastside Catholic School students to report anonymous and confidential tips if they are concerned about the safety and security of someone they know at or outside of school. Messages can be left at any time. The tipline is monitored by EC school administrators Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. All safety and security concerns left on this tipline are addressed as quickly as possible during the hours listed.
For immediate help: Dial 9-1-1
Parents/Guardians: Please contact a school administrator if you have a student safety concern.
High School Counselor,
Kirsi Varsa
High School Counselor,
Lindsey Johnson
High School Counselor,
Livia Matteucci
High School College Counselor, A-K
Samantha Galluzzo
High School College Counselor, L-Z
Lillian Do-Tran
High School College Counselor, Grades 9-10
Sidney Richardson
Middle School Counselor
Lakshmi Palaniappan
Kathy Silverman
Data Administrator