Equity and Social Action

"…for you are all one in Christ Jesus." Galatians 3:28

Equity and social action at Eastside Catholic is grounded in the Catholic Church’s social teachings that promote a society based on justice, love, respect and affirmation of the dignity and worth of each person. Eastside Catholic is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, social action and social justice. This commitment is shown in admissions, communications, events, programs, extracurricular activities, curriculum and professional development.

At EC, our goal is to build a more diverse, inclusive and equitable community where each member has a sense of belonging. The work of the Equity and Social Action Team will be guided by the principles of the Strategic Plan, Goal #2: Shaped by Catholic values, through meaningful and measurable school governance, admissions outreach, curriculum, extracurricular and employment programs, we will develop and retain a diverse and inclusive community.

Read Archdiocese of Seattle's Statement on Racism: "A Call to Address Racism in our Hearts and Community."