As we celebrate the Lenten season, please consider donating to the Every Kid Eats campaign through "The Peace Bus," a humanitarian effort launched by Kwabi Amoah-Forson, our speaker for Peace and Justice Day this year.
In the summer of 2022, Kwabi partnered with Tacoma restaurants to feed over 1,500 kids, and last summer, they did the same. This summer, Kwabi will extend the program to Seattle and include Seattle restaurants.
Kwabi's vision is to create a world where children have their essential needs met regardless of economic status or circumstances, and the Every Kid Eats campaign is a start to that.
To donate, you can write a check payable to Eastside Catholic with the subject line "Lent 2024," and drop it off in the Attendance Office, or donate online with the gift designation "Lent 2024."
Questions? Please contact the Director of Campus Ministry Lynn Kittridge or Director of Equity and Social Action Jenny Abbey.