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Meet Student Life Associate Elisha Pa'aga

Elisha joined the Eastside Catholic staff in 2020 as a student life associate. Elisha earned his bachelor’s degree in communications from Central Washington University in 2019. He also played football for five years in college and his team won three conference championships. While a student at EC, he participated in football, ASB leadership and choir as a student. His favorite part about working at EC is the people because, “they make everybody feel at home.”

Q: What has it been like to come back and work at EC as an alumnus?
It has been eye-opening to be back on campus. I see the great amount of care, thought and love that happens behind the scenes for our students, and my journey here and in this role has only confirmed my respect and appreciation for the school. I am where I am supposed to be which I believe is to help our students find their purpose, serve our community and love others.

Q: What does your day-to-day look like in your role as student life associate? What part of this role do you find the most rewarding?
Every single day I meet with students in ASB, leadership and other high schoolers and middle schoolers to help cultivate our culture at EC. We mainly work on brainstorming ideas to create relationships and build community, and I work with Director of Student Life Michelle Flores to find ways to serve our students. I also play music throughout passing periods because music is good for the soul!

I think the most rewarding thing about being in this role is to see influence take over. When students believe in themselves and feel supported by teachers, you see their potential light up. And if I can be a small part in their lives in that, man, I can go to sleep knowing we have world changers here at EC.

When students believe in themselves and feel supported by teachers, you see their potential light up.

Q: What does it mean to you to be able to bring Celebrating the World/Multicultural Week to EC?
This week of celebration means so much to me! Celebrating our differences is what makes EC a special place. To highlight all the different ethnicities, traditions and cultures that are part of our school community reinforces how much we care about every student, faculty and staff member.

Q: What do you hope is accomplished through this year's celebration?
I hope for our students and families to achieve a higher level of awareness and knowledge of the different cultures that make up our school student body. Here at EC, we have the opportunity this week to focus on groups of people who might be outside our comfort zone but are part of our school family.

Q: Can you describe what it’s been like to have students return to campus for full-day, in-person learning?
Having students back on our campus has been a fresh of breath air. The sense of normalcy and power of presence is evident when students are on campus. It is so important that our students have this experience, of interacting one-on-one and face-to-face with one another, especially at this point in their lives.

Q: What would students be surprised to find out about you?
Some students may know but many may not, that I love to sing and I love playing guitar!

Q: If you could pass on any wisdom to your students, what would you share?
I want students to know that they should never stop learning and growing! Once you stop the curiosity in your mind to learn something new from school, from the people and life, I believe you will begin to live without purpose and growth.

If you have questions for Elisha, you can reach him at

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